intersteno intersteno intersteno intersteno


Official member of the International Fédération for Information and communication processing INTERSTENO

Intersteno Belgium is a formal association of 2 Belgian teachers' groups.

For the Dutch part of Belgium
voor Bureauwetenschappen

Founded in 1972, the Academie voor BureauWetenschappen vzw is a Belgian association of teachers in word processing and ICT. It helps teachers in their professional live by information, exercises, workshops...
Each 3 months a new number of the e-review Vaardige Vingers is spread. In that magazine we refer frequently to the activities of Intersteno. 

For the French part of Belgium
Association des
Professeurs de Secrétariat Bureautique

Founded in 1981, the Association des Professeurs de Secrétariat-Bureautique gathers the teachers in secretarial skills, word processing and ICT.
Every year, APSB organizes a school championship in keyboarding using Intersteno's Taki software; its teachers regularly train their students with the same software.
The Infor-APSB-magazine contains technical sheets, exercises and professional information and reports on Intersteno's activities. APSB motivates and sponsors students and teachers to participate in the Intersteno world championships.

President: Danny Devriendt
Presidente: Jeannine Delange

Members of the Belgian Delegation

The Belgian delegation is entrusted for two years to a member of the APSB and for the following two years to a member of the ABW. The two delegates work together and participate together in Council meetings.

Danny Devriendt
Board member
Secretary-Treasurer of the international federation Intersteno
Chief member of the Congress Organization Committee
Georgette Sante
Board member - Jury president – Belgian delegate
Agnes Coeckelberghs
Belgian delegate
Olivier Levrau
Jury at the World Word Processing Championships
Jeannine Delange
Jury assistant - Member of the Belgian committee
Belgian Taskforce
Since 2013, Joseph Lepièce, Etienne Sterkendries and Jean-Pierre Rensonnet collaborate during congresses to install competition tables, electricity cables, and all the non-ICT technical things.

Congresses organized by Intersteno Belgium

2013 – 49th Congress - Ghent Belgium

Welcome back! From 13th to 19th July 2013 more than 500 participants gathered in Ghent (Belgium) at the occasion of the 49th INTERSTENO congress. They came from about 30 countries, from all over the world and spent exciting days in this stunning city, accompanied by excellent summer weather, which is definitely not so obvious in Belgium. After 1905, 1927, 1971 and 1991, the International Federation for Information and Communication Processing organized for the fifth time its congress in Belgium, this time not in Brussels but in Ghent for several practical reasons. The roots of the 2013 Organization Committee go back to the congress of 1991, where the two local Belgian associations, the Association des Professeurs de Secrétariat-Bureautique (APSB) in the French speaking part Wallonia and the Academie voor Bureauwetenschappen (ABW) in the Dutch speaking Flanders, joined their forces and worked intensively together under the presidency of Jos Jossart, former honorary president of INTERSTENO who died in 2004. With an interval of 20 years, after 1971 and 1991… 2011 would have been an excellent time for a next INTERSTENO congress in Belgium. Although we had the intention to follow this 20-year cycle and had already started thinking about it, we gladly supported the proposal to organize the 48th INTERSTENO-congress in Paris. In the meantime, we actively started the preparations for a congress in Belgium in 2013. At the INTERSTENO Board meeting in Milano, 28-30 January 2011, we proposed our concrete project to host the 49th INTERSTENO congress in Belgium 2013. On 26th of March 2011, the organization committee for the congress 2013 was created: Agnes Coeckelberghs, Jeannine Delange, Danny Devriendt, Olivier Levrau, Thérèse Librecht, Pieterjan Oste and Georgette Sante took up the challenge to organize this congress in Ghent. This proposal was formally accepted at the INTERSTENO General Assembly on 15th of July 2011 in Paris, therefore Belgium was presented as next congress country during the prize giving ceremony in the Parisian town hall. With Belgium awaits you! as catch-phrase we wanted to convince many people to come to Belgium in 2013. An attractive leaflet, containing a lot of practical information, included a tentative congress program, was handed out in Paris, along with cuberdons, famous Belgian sweets.

For all the information about the Ghent congress: 49th Intersteno Congress - Ghent 2013 - Intersteno


39th Congress - Brussels


29th Congress – Brussels


16th Congress - Brussels


8th Congress - Brussels

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